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The Idaho State Historical Society (ISHS) is committed to executing a successful America250 Commemoration that highlights the state’s historical significance and celebrates its contributions to the nation. To drive specific agency projects, events, and initiatives under the America250 Commemoration, the ISHS has established the ISHS America250 Committee (Herein after referred to as “Committee”). This Committee will focus on coordinating and delivering key agency projects that align with the America250 mission, vision, and values. The mission of the Committee is to drive, oversee, and ensure the successful execution of targeted agency projects that enhance the commemoration’s impact, engage the public, and create a lasting legacy. 

America250 in Idaho Task Force

Idaho’s America250 Task Force represents the primary state agency officials and constitutional officers responsible for executing the America250 commemoration in Idaho between July 2024 and December 2027. The Task Force is responsible for planning, coordinating, and executing Idaho’s America250 commemoration. The Task Force has defined the scope, responsibilities, operational procedures, and resources and support under which it will work to ensure the successful collaboration and implementation of the commemoration.  

Legislative Advisory Council

In alignment with House Joint Concurrent Resolution No. 31, the Idaho Legislature acknowledges the significance of commemorating the 250th anniversary of the United States, known as America250, and recognizes the importance of highlighting Idaho’s unique contributions to the nation’s history. To further support the America250 in Idaho initiative and ensure its success, the Legislature hereby establishes the America250 in Idaho Advisory Council. Responsibilities of the Advisory Council include:

  • Provide advice and expertise to the America250 in Idaho Task Force in planning and executing commemorative events, programs, and activities.
  • Foster communication and collaboration between the Legislature, the Governor’s office, the Task Force, and local communities to ensure the success of the America250 in Idaho initiative.
  • Liaise with federal, state, and local government officials and representatives, as well as private organizations and individuals, to promote and advance programs, initiatives, and community events related to America250 in Idaho.
  • Monitor and evaluate the progress of the commemorative activities and provide feedback and recommendations for improvement as needed. Submit periodic reports to the Legislative Council and the Governor’s office summarizing the Council’s activities, accomplishments, and recommendations.


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