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Get Involved

The Idaho State Historical Society (ISHS) is committed to executing a successful America250 Commemoration that highlights the state’s historical significance and celebrates its contributions to the nation. To drive specific agency projects, events, and initiatives under the America250 Commemoration, the ISHS has established the ISHS America250 Task Force. This Task Force will focus on coordinating and delivering key agency projects that align with the America250 mission, vision, and values. The mission of the Task Force is to drive, oversee, and ensure the successful execution of targeted agency projects that enhance the commemoration’s impact, engage the public, and create a lasting legacy. 

Pledge Your Commitment

As we approach the 250th anniversary of American independence in 2026, Idaho invites organizations, individuals, and stakeholders to commemorate this historic milestone. By pledging your support to America250 in Idaho, you can help honor our shared history and inspire future generations.

“We, the undersigned, pledge our support to America250 in Idaho as we commemorate the 250th anniversary of the United States. We commit to:

  • Honoring Idaho’s rich history and diverse heritage
  • Inspiring civic engagement and community service
  • Educating others about our state’s role in the American story
  • Collaborating on programs and events that bring Idahoans together
  • Leaving a lasting legacy for future generations

As we reflect on 250 years of progress, challenges, and triumphs, we recommit ourselves to the ideals of liberty, equality, and unity that have guided our nation. Together, we will use this anniversary to build a brighter future for all Idahoans.”

Ways to Get Involved

  • Host or sponsor America250 events in your community
  • Develop educational programs about Idaho’s history
  • Volunteer for America250 projects and initiatives
  • Share stories of Idaho’s people, places, and contributions
  • Promote America250 through your networks and platforms

By joining this statewide effort, you’ll be part of a once-in-a-lifetime commemoration that celebrates our past while looking ahead to Idaho’s next 250 years. Together, we can make America250 in Idaho a meaningful and impactful experience for all.

The Echoes of Idaho: Tell Us Your Gem State Story

As Idaho prepares to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the America250 in Idaho Task Force would like to hear from you! In partnership with the Idaho State Historical Society and TheirStory™, a remote oral history platform that helps communities collect, preserve, and engage with the audiovisual stories of their members, the America250 in Idaho Commemoration hopes to collect as many memories, experiences, and stories from Idahoans as possible. 

Please respond to only one prompt question per recording session and limit your recording to three minutes. 

Need help getting started? For questions or further assistance please contact HannaLore Hein, Idaho State Historian & America250 in Idaho Task Force Vice Chair via email at  

Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions are provided here as a reference. Before you may save your story, you will have to check a box agreeing to them. 

I certify that I am 18 years of age and an adult consenting to the following terms and conditions. I donate to the Idaho State Historical Society a recording to be included at their sole discretion for historical and scholarly purposes as they see fit, including but not limited to the exclusive rights of reproduction, distribution, preparation of derivative works, public performance, and display in print, visual, electronic, or other available media, including but not limited to the internet. The Idaho State Historical Society shall not be liable for any misuse of the recordings provided. The recording provided is not copyrighted by any other individual or entity and I affirm that I have the legal right and title to provide said recording to the Idaho State Historical Society. 

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